Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Called to the principals office.

When someone attacks a bears cubs, mama bear reacts!! That is exactly what got me into the principals office today. Hilarious thinking back on my mama bear moment, but I don't regret defending my child.
Yesterday after school, my kids were all running to my van. Well Serena is on honor patrol, which are a group of students who patrol the halls and get the kids across the street safely, so she stays after until most of the kids are picked up. There were about 15 or so kids left just hanging out. Anyways, as my kids were running to my van I heard a boy yell, "Serena's a b*&$#!" I turned to where this lil boy was yelling from and I thought did I hear that right. And he looks at me and says, "Serena is a B*&^%!"
Mama bear came out instantly. The gospel left my mind at that moment and I went off on this lil boy. I leaned out my window and said something along the lines of "What did you just say to my daughter. I know you're not talking about my daughter. Do you even know what that word means. Don't you ever, ever, ever disrespect my daughter in your life. If I ever hear that you call her that disgusting name I will hunt you down and beat you! Did you hear me. I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND BEAT YOU! This lil boy at first looked at me in shock and then because I was freaking out for a while starts to become brave again. All of his friends as well as some other kids were standing there with mouths wide open, not believing that this is happening. If you know me, you know that this is not my normal. But the fact that he used that word on my child and so loosely, set me off.
He looked at me as if he were all cool and said, "So what you can't find me." I started shaking because I was so angry, but I wouldn't let myself get out of my van. I knew that if I got our I would've slapped this boy into tomorrow and then be locked . I said, "boy trust me. Do you know what hood you're in. This is Glendale and I own this. I can find you just like that and I will beat you down if you dare say that to my daughter again. Remember that "B" word BEAT because that's what I'll do to you if you disrespect my daughter again! And I drove off. As I did I could hear all the kids laughing hysterically at this boy. I knew immediately that that scenario could have been handled better, but it was too late. I called Gina (Larsen) Blake at the school and told her what had happened. She said she'll take care of it and call me later.
Well that brings me to the principals office moment. Gina called me today and asked to come and talk with the principal about what happened. I wasn't worried or afraid. I knew that since this happened on school grounds they needed to make a report. So I went and talked with the principal. She was very understanding and just asked me questions as if I were a child, because hello that's exactly how I, but she was very professional about it. We continued our talk about how we as mothers act on impulse when someone hurts our child. I told her that this is a "I can't believe I did that moment for me." Her main concern which I appreciated was Serena. She didn't want her to internalize what had happened as okay or be embarrassed. But she was not being judgemental at all about any of it. She also apologized that there was no one out there to protect my child from any of this even happening. Usually there is a teacher out there, but not yesterday. She apologized over and over for that and said that from now til the end of the school year, all outside staff will be on patrol, no excuses. She as well as the vice principal shared stories with me about their "I can't believe I did that moments." All in all this was a lesson well learned on all sides. I didn't have to go to the principals office, but I wanted to let her know that I wasn't going to hunt this lil boy down or hurt him in any way. It was a mama bear reaction. I think the boy would have rather that had happened because he got suspended for a day, no recess for the rest of the year and he cannot leave the school until all students have left the school grounds. I told the principal, I think what I did was enough, but she informed me that as she was talking to the students, a lot of girls told her what a jerk he had been to them and all the mean and degrading things he was saying to them as well. So I hope he learns his lesson. Hey maybe it was meant to be. Maybe I needed to bring this lil boy down a couple notches. I'd like to think I changed his life for the
I have to go repent now...seriously!


  1. lmbo!! Cia seriously I really think I would've gotten outta my car and slapped the bit%$ a$$ outta him til he couldn't say that word anymore. So I give you mad props for staying in your vehicle. Mama bears always protect their cub, so don't feel bad about that. All mothers can totally feel u on this. Good thing there is repentance! lmbo poor kid is prally traumatized,but atleast he'll think twice about being brave! lmbo

  2. oh my gosh Cia! I am laughing my head off! That boy really doesn't know who he is messing with! LOL So what did serena think of all this? whats the story on her and that boy? kids! that boy was way out of line and disrespectful. wow! i dont know what I would have done! I sent you an email...

  3. hahahaha!! Cia you kill me. I did the same thing to Sierra's friend except, I found out reading in my law classes that I can't tell them I am going to beat them up. But I can stay, you don't know where and you don't know when, but it will happen.. lol!
    With Sierra's friend I went to her mom, and then to the teacher. Sierra's ex friend called her a dumb white......, yeah, I was LIVID. I went to her house, talked to her and her mom, made her apologize to Sierra, then I went to school, and told the teacher, and the teacher punished all three girls with no recess for a week and spoke to them individually. No one ever messes with Sierra again. I haven't done that in NC yet, but maybe just to send out a warning.. LOL!

  4. I knew after I freaked out that I shouldn't have threatedend his life. But guess what he did the next day. Called my daughter Jasmine a "B". Yeah, so this lil jerk is trying to test me. I walked to the school to wait for him and follow him home so that I can talk to his mom. Luckily for him the school kept him after til everyone left the school grounds. So I DEMANDED a parent meeting. This cannot be tolerated. I will follow through with this lil boy. He's had too many open ended threats, it's about time someone closes them, and that someone will be me. But a more calm!
