Sunday, January 9, 2011


Today my husband of 12 years turns 32. He is not one to celebrate his birthday, so every year I try to keep it mellow. He and a friend put together a basketball team last year and he just loves them to death. Sometimes I feel he loves them more than me. LOL (seriously though) Well being that his birthday fell on a Sunday this year, I took donuts to their basketball game yesterday and told all the parents and the other coach, Mani, that I would like the girls to sing Happy Birthday to Sol. So after the girls won a very competitive game 11-10, we all went in the hall so that Mani and Sol could have their little pep talk that they give after the games. The girls moved in to huddle and Mani didn't let Sol come into the huddle. He was telling the girls that on 3 they were to start singing, and that's exactly what they did! It was so cute. Solomon had no idea. He was so embarrassed and even blushed...ahahaha. I loved seeing his reaction. I was upset with myself, because I didn't even take pictures of any of it. Oh well, it's one of those memorable moments.
Solomon is a very hard working man. He works 2 jobs, goes to school full-time, and coaches 2 basketball teams, he is a great father and friend to me. I love this man and want to thank him for all that he does for our family. Happy Birthday Sol "Dear" I LOVE YOU!!