Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 2...138 days to go!

Today was not a good day. I don't even want to post what I ate. But I do want to talk about the book I bought today. It's Bob Greene's book titled The Life You Want: Get Motivated, Lose Weight, and Be Happy. I just started reading it and I love it. I knew that in order for me to lose weight and keep it off, I needed to motivate myself and to really know why I turn to food for comfort.

Here is my favorite excerpt from his book so far: "Many people who don't triumph at weight loss beat themselves up without taking into consideration that humans are predisposed to eat as much fat and sugar as possible to conserve our energy and to avoid discomfort-all of which contribute to the difficulty of changing eating and exercise habits. The truth is, there are some things about your physiology that you can't change, and a natural propensity to seek pleasure is one of them.
What you can change, however, is what gives you pleasure as well as your tolerance for discomfort."

I have come to realize that I need to change my pleasure of eating all types of chocolate to mainly dark chocolate and my tolerance for it as well. This will take a looooooooooong time. But I know I can do it and I pray that I eventually will be able to do without my DAILY chocolate fix. On to another day...goodnight~


  1. So funny! I just blogged about doing one of his kettlebell workouts. One of the hardest things I've ever done. KICKED my bum! But, I think there is balance in everything. I love chocolate, and I find if I exercise consistently my body doesn't crave the bad things. I can still have it but, I don't NEED it as much. Tomorrow is a new day. No worries, start anew.. bad and good happens, what matters is that you pick up yourself when you fall and keep going. You can do it! YAY for you!! :)

  2. LOL! Sorry,I worked out to the "other" Bob, Bob Harper!

  3. Go Cia, Go Cia GO!!! YOu can do it, keep reading his book, and you'll be so inspired those bad days will turn into good days and you'll be so skinny, then can u pass the book to me, so I can get on yer level!! lol..Love you sis, you're doing steps!

  4. Tricia, I was wondering what kettlebell workouts were...LOL! Yes, one day at a time. And it's so true, balance is the key.

    Anna, thanks for the motivation. And yes you can use the book after me. I love it!
