Friday, April 23, 2010


Why do we go through trials? Can't life just be free from problems? NO

This past week has been really tough for me. My toilet leaked downstairs to my other bathroom, my furnace stopped working and the alternator in our van went out. We were told that our toilet isn't covered by our insurance and neither are pipes. So what are we paying for??? Insurance is such a rip off. So Solomon had to DIY our furnace and toilet this week, so that we great. But last night our toilet started leaking again. OMG what a nightmare!! On the bright side of things, the Lord answered my prayers and blessed us with someone who fixed our van for free! My cousin called me to remind me of something and we just started talking. I told her about all the drama with our house and van. He husband had changed an alternator in a van like ours before and offered to come and help Solomon change ours. He basically did it alone. Solomon was there to pass him the tools, lol! So 2 problems down and 1 to go. One major problem! I just keep saying to myself, "this too shall pass." This is when I miss

What do you think about trials?

How is your insurance?

What gets you through your hard times?


  1. We have been having some similar problems, flooding, water leaks and car problems. We are renting too but since it's my brother in laws house...we pretty much have to pay for every repair! :( We definitely need to get renters insurance. I'm sorry about your trials lately. It's hard to be positive when annoying things like repairs are just driving you up the wall. I think relying on my husband and a lot of prayer and trying to see what I need to learn from the situation are always helpful. I am sure you will have some better days ahead of you! ♥ ya!

  2. Sistah...
    Dude I don't know anything about home insurance cause I'm still a renter! But I think you just need to get the word out, and pray that someone from the ward can help ya'll out. I will pray for ya'll as well. I am always grateful for our trials, even while I'm going thru them bcuz I notice what it is my Heavenly Father is trying to teach me. So trials make me stronger as an individual. What gets me thru is my FAITH! I have to constantly tell myself and pray for myself to have the faith that I need to get through a trial. And you gotta be you and hope you get your toilet fixed asap!

  3. Thank you Annie and Anna! You two have grown to be such strong Latter Day Saint woman. I'd like to take credit for some of
    I admire your faith and determination to keep going. Love you both.
