Sunday, April 11, 2010

Gabby in nursery.

My baby Gabby is finally 18 months. I say finally because with my husband being a high councilman, me as the YW councelor and my kids all in primary, no one is able to watch my Gabby. So now that she is 18 months, she is allowed to go to nursery. I prepped her all morning and even taught her to nod yes when I said, "mommy's going byebye." But I should know, all the learning goes out the window once you're in the situation...hahaha Gabby did good when I took her into nursery. Primary music was playing, all the toys were out, the teachers were very welcoming and Gabby went straight to they toys and started playing. I walked out with no problem. But as soon as another child, which was the bishops son, walked in and started screaming his head off, all that changed. Gabby started screaming her head off, nose running, dramatically tossing her head back, and calling my name, they brought her to me. She instantly covered her eyes like a drama queen and acted like it was the teachers fault. She is so Serena...hahaha I took her back because I didn't want her to think that nursery was a bad place. I sat in there with her and as soon as she was comfortable with the other kids, I got up to walk out. I don't know what it is, but kids have a "mommy radar" on them. She knew as soon as I turned the knob that I was at the door. She started her screaming again. So I had her walk to me so that we could both leave. I had to go to my class. She walked towards me with her mean mug face, took my hand and turned towards all the other kids, pointed her finger at them and yelled something baby talkish to them. The teachers all laughed as did I. Lets just say it was a memorable experience, and we'll try again next week.

How were your children's first day of nursery?


  1. Oh girl I think the primary thought that since I had all three of them in nursery at once lets just call her to the nursery BOOOOO lol it felt like they followed me from nursery to sunbeam lol Eventually they loved nursery and I was FREE for a few hrs lol It will get better best wishes to you girl

  2. awww, I' hoping for the best when its Jaidas turn! wish they could go a little younger! i think its normal for them to do that, it shows that they have a secure attachment to you:))- on the bright side of things! LOL Love you Gabby!!!

  3. I can't believe how fast they grow...I am in the same boat...trying to get baby to be comfortable in nursery when I leave. We are in a new ward and she doesn't like it as much as the Samoan ward. I think she likes being around people who look like her! Well keep it going "C". I am sure she will adjust! I love how she pointed at the class like she was tattling to you...hahaha! Too cute! I love your blog picture! :)
