Sunday, September 6, 2009

All that for

In my post before this I was stressing about my lesson for my YW and guess how I did...I didn't even do it!! LOL I teach the Mia Maids and the Laurels and only 1 of my girls showed up on time, so therefore, we combined and the Beehive teacher just taught her lesson. Then a half hour later 5 of my girls showed up. I was disappointed because I worked so hard for this lesson, just to not present it. I told my girls that I was sad that they didn't show up on time because I was all prepared with a great lesson. They apologized and I just handed out my lil thought/treat. It was a Now and Later candy and I attached the saying, "What you do 'now' will affect what happens 'later'-make temple marriage your goal." At least I got to do that part of my lesson that literally made me sick to my stomach for 3 nights..LOL!!


  1. atleast you were prepared!! It's always better to be prepared than not. Maybe this was the ice your girls know NOT to be late, or you will be disappointed. Next lesson will be even better!! love ya sis =)

  2. C, I'm with Anna on this one. I've been there, done that. Stress all week about the lesson and then they screw you by not showing. ANNOYING.
    But it's always better to be prepared then not. You would of been more mad if you weren't prepared. Good for you. Those girls will never be late again!!! (Or maybe they will be and not come in to class because maybe their scared). Lol! Thanks for sharing. How are you btw?
