Friday, July 17, 2009

Home SWEET Home!

I am soooooo very grateful to be home. My familia and I were in Hawaii for 11 days. I know everyone is probably thinking, lucky for me...NOT! I usually have a good time, but this was just too long of a trip with in laws. I know I'm being selfish, because my hubby has to deal with mine all the time, but I'm just not used to it. I love them, but I love them enough to stay a way too...LOL. Don't get me wrong, I did have some good times out in paradise, but honestly the good does not outweigh the bad. I loved being with my kids and hubby when we were able to be alone, which was the last 2 days, but by then it was a lil too late. My kids and my hubby had a blast and didn't want to come home. They cried when we left, while I was secretly smiling inside. Its always bitter sweet when we leave Hawaii, but as my title says, it was only SWEET for me this time around! Aloha!!!


  1. wow ur a witch!! I bet ur inlaws hate you! jk!! lol..I'm glad you are back, and yes it was wayyy too long, that I think I forgot you lived here!! lmbo!! I'm glad you had a lil bit of fun tho! much alohas to you and your familia!!! :)

  2. Oh!!! LOL, yeah i think vacations should be limited to a number of days, cause after awhile you just wanna get back home! LOL well im glad about your safe return, but oh my gosh I love the pic of gabbi in the is sooo cute! Happy (late) bday to JAZ!!! love you guys
