Thursday, November 25, 2010


I have started a new tradition with my family. We will give gifts of thanks to all our/their teachers and friends at Thanksgiving and during Christmas we will give gifts of love to our family. This way I am not so overwhelmed with giving so many people gifts. I can break it up in two months and feel the love throughout the holiday season.
So last night we delivered our gifts. Everyone was so touched and surprised at receiving gifts of thanks, that it gave us all a warm feeling of happiness and satisfaction that our tradition is appreciated. I was grateful to have my children part of this process in buying, wrapping, making cards of thanks, and giving. I feel that it has taught them to love and appreciate their teachers and friends.
I am truly grateful for all the trials and tribulations that 2010 has brought to my life. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't be so grateful to be where I am right now. I am so thankful to all the people who I have crossed paths with and for their examples that they have bestowed upon me. I am thankful for my calling and for the great presidency that I work with. They are such an inspiration to me. I have learned something great from each and every one of them. I am grateful to be an instrument to God in working with 30 beautiful young women. They try me at times, but I have learned to love and know each one of them individually. I am most grateful for my children and my husband. They are my life! They are what has kept me going and continue to make me want to strive to be a mother/wife of Zion. I love my family, friends and the wonderful religion that I have been blessed to be raised in.
Happy Thanksgiving!! Now eat, drink plenty or water and get ready for Black Friday...LOL! Love you all!


  1. That's awesome Marcia! What a great tradition to teach your kids.... hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. YAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH Black Friday!! woot woot! lmbo jk so poor esi! Anywho I love this post, I'm so glad you are doing that tradition. I might have to do that next year! :)

  3. Thanks Monica & Anna. Thanksgiving was delicious as always and Black Friday was the icing on the cake huh Anna..LOL!! Loved it!
