Thursday, October 7, 2010

My Ebony!!

6 years ago today my Ebony was born. She came into this world weighing a whopping 9lbs 2oz. Crazy, I know. As you can imagine, the labor was painful. But the only painful thing about Ebony is the volume she uses to speak. OMG, she wasn't only my biggest baby, but she also has the biggest mouth! You would've never thought this was so when she was younger, because she was so quiet. She was raised by the TV, and so she has quite the imagination. Seriously, I love that she can just entertain herself, without a cell phone, radio, TV, or even toys. She has imaginary friends and its so funny to watch her feed, talk and play with them. Everybody loves Ebony. She is so entertaining and so fun to be around. She is the life of the party without even knowing it! She makes friends wherever we go. From the post office to the park, Ebony tends to make friends with anyone and everyone. I love this girl and feel that she is everything that I'm not, but wish to be. She is so sure of herself in everything she does. She doesn't like to play sports, clean, or sit still. All Ebony likes to do is PLAY and annoy her siblings....LOL! I'm so grateful to have her in my life. She is my lil white girl and I love her soooooooo very much. I LOVE YOU EBONY!! Happy 6th Birthday! Love Mommy.


  1. Happy Birthday, Ebby!! You are such a fun and beautiful girl. We wish you many great things throughout your new year of life. Be good and always listen to your parents. Love, The Taukiuvea's.

  2. She is so beautiful and sounds a lot like my daughter Lili who is almost 6:)I bet they would get along great.
