Wednesday, March 24, 2010


The co-author of the book "why?" was our guest speaker tonight during our Young Women's New Beginnings. He is an excellent speaker. He spoke right at our Young Women's level. He has been a seminary teacher for the past 12 years, so he knows exactly what he is talking about. He based his talk around his book why? and talked mainly about modesty and dating. I loved all his analogies. He said that youth never ask the what question, but they always ask the why question.
Why shouldn't I steady date in high school? Brother Sweat used the concept of drinking orange juice first and then rinsing your mouth out with Listerine. He asked what would happen if you rinsed your mouth out with Listerine first and then drank the orange juice? We answered it would be nasty and sour. He said isn't it interesting that the contents are exactly the same, all that's changed is the order! Just as steady dating in high school. If we DO NOT steady date in high school our life would be so much better. But if we do steady date in high school first we could end up in a nasty and sour relationship!
Isn't that such a cool analogy. All the while he had scripture references and graphs to back all his facts up.
Why should I dress modestly? He then gave an analogy on modesty. He based it on piranha's. He told a story of fishing for piranha's on his mission. All he was told to do was put some meat on a hook and toss the line over the boat. Within seconds the piranhas attacked his meat. Later on in his life he took his young men out fishing for rainbow trout. They had to hook their power bait, cast the line and wait for a while before there was even a little nudge. He compared this to modesty. "If a young woman is constantly revealing her skin, who will she attract? She will attract "piranha" boys who are primarily interested in her flesh. On the other hand, if a young woman casts out righteousness, intelligence, spirituality, humor and confidence (the power bait) this is exactly who she will attract: young men who appreciate righteousness, intelligence, spiritually , humor and confidence."
So true huh? If you ever have the honor of hearing Brother Sweat speak, don't pass it up. He is an excellent speaker and you will not regret it. Especially if you have youth age children. Tonight was a beautiful night and I am thankful for the gospel that I have. And for the simple teachings that we are taught to live by. The way is prepared if we just follow. It's that simple. Chews to be why's!! (that was my handout with gum and candy)


  1. Wow,
    Those really were great analogies. I really should contact him and have him speak for our young womens. Especially now since they are approaching the dating age. It sounds like you guys had alot of fun. I really wish I could have came but I can only do so much before I feel like I'm going to pass out!!LOL!! I'm so happy it turned out well. I too am thankful for the Gospel and all it has to offer. Great post. Love it..

  2. Cia I loved it and I'm so glad you invited me to come! He is an amazing speaker (he reminded me of a toned down Kel) lmbo! And your handouts were soooo cute!

  3. sound like a fun night, I like his analogies.

  4. Love what you are doing with the YW! Those are some cool analogies that are easy for them to remember and apply...thanks for sharing!
