Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My Crazy Life so far.....

Okay I finally have time to blog. And I found my USB to upload my pictures. So alot has happend obviously between April and now, so I'm gonna sum it up all in this one blog. First was Angela's shower. She is one of my bestest friends. We grew up together from the time we were babies. This baby is her first baby after about 5 years, so we planned to throw her a baby shower. One of her 5 that she Well we all gathered at Isa's house. Of course cause she's the best host and she cooks the best food. I did the games and we all just sat around and ate. She recieved alot of good info from the rest of us mother and she got alot of good gifts. We love you Angela!!

Next was Tala and Kels talks at church in St. George. Tala wrote about it already but I just wanted to let you all know how strong the spirit was in that ward building that day. It was so strong almost all the grown men were crying. It was such a beautiful sacrament meeting and so worth the sucky flight to get! Tala spoke on Celestial Marriage and even though she hasn't been sealed to her family, you could tell and feel that she is ready. What a great example she is to all her know her. And Kel spoke on Come what may and Love it. OMG what a perfect subject for him. Their honesty and humility was so humbling. Even the stake president commented on how humbled he was by both of them. Good job Kel and Tala. I love you!

The day after we got back from St. George, we flew out to Reno for my niece Cia Si'i's 6th grade graduation. She has grown so much and is blossoming into a woman its scary. She's the first living grandchild in our family and so she hold a special place in our hearts. Well that and that she's named after me...hahaha okay she's named after all us sisters. Her full name is Marcia AnnaLina, cute huh! Anywayz, I bought her this beautiful, old Hollywood style dress, and she fit it like a glove. I'm so proud of her and all of her accomplishments. She should be a model because she's all legs and she's beautiful inside and out. I love you Sis!

Okay a day after that my kids had their last day of school. Every year we do the same thing. We make candy cards for their teachers. Its always so cute to hear what ideas they have for their cards. Usually the same line of "you're the best teacher in the whole 'milky way'' is always used. But the teachers love it. This is such a fun thing. I love it, the kids love it and most of all the teachers love and appreciate it! Okay I forgot my camera so Anna came with her camera phone, good thing and took the teacher pictures. Oh and Anna just had to leave her mark on my girls shirts. They had all their friends write on them and Anna wrote the funniest things on the back. They didn't like it and didn't think it was very funny, but it was....Thanks!
Now lastly I tried to throw my sister Anna a surprise baby shower. Her birthday is on June 5th so I told her that on June 6th we were throwing her a party, just us girls. But obviously she found out. It was the thought that counted! My friend Isa made and bought all the decorations, that my dad put up and didn't want to take down cause he was so proud of himself. My mom and Betty (Lames girlfriend) did the food. Klarah did the fun games. And I hosted. I just wanted to thank all those who helped. I couldn't have done this without you. And for all who attended, you were all fun guest to have. Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for posting some pics!! i will help ya let me get a lil better then i'll come over and see what i can do!! love ya busy momma!! :)
