Sunday, April 25, 2010


Today our Young Woman president, Lashell Johnson taught us a lesson on keeping a journal. There was a quote from Kimball, I think, that said something along the lines of 'if you're not keeping a journal, repent and start today!' Wow huh? That instantly woke me up. I intended my blog to be my journal, but have slacked a lot. So now my goal is to write on my blog daily. Even if it's just talking about my day, I'll do that. I learned and have known that a journal is a history of my life and that I need to keep one for my future generation.

So today is my niece Cia Si'i's 13th birthday. She is officially a teenager. I can't believe how time has flown by. I remember the day she was born. We were all in Reno, Nv. for her special day. When they brought her in the room she didn't have a name yet. My sister Eta said that she wanted to name her after all her sisters. This was hard for her husband Peli's side of the family because Eta's oldest daughter Atelaite Kavapalu passed away soon after she was born. Peli's family wanted Cia to be named Atelaite. How ridiculous is that, to have two daughters with the same name, as if the first one was never born. Eta stood her ground and said no, my oldest child came to this earth and received her body. She was called back home because she had fulfilled her mission. My baby's name is Marcia AnnaLina Kavapalu. I am honored that she is named after me as well as my other sisters. She is absolutely beautiful, like! She is like me in some ways. She is shy, but bossy. Brave when she needs to be. Gains confidence when she is around her family. Loves to be Polynesian. Doesn't know her beauty. And has very beautiful hair. I love this girl so much. She is the oldest living grandchild and unfortunately has to deal with ALL of her aunties and uncles strict ways. We all feel that we raised her or were raised with her because Eta had her when she was only 18. She is a blessing in all our lives. I pray that she carries my name well or else..j/k and that she grows up to be a strong Latter Day Saint woman. I love you sis!! Happy 13th Birthday.

What are your thoughts on journaling?

Do you have a name sake?

What do you love about Sis?


  1. Journaling sucks azz i will never do it hahahahah and yes i have a name sake he is the funniest grandchild in the motuliki family just like me Mykel Jr. and what i love about cia is i dont she took my dad away from me hahahahah just playin i love her cuz she helped me be the dad i am today!!! O if you didn't know who this is it's me Big Kahuna aka Mac Daddy aka Kel!! hahahahahahah
