Thursday, April 29, 2010

11 yrs today!

Eleven years ago today I had my first child Serena Angelaite Lealao. Her first name comes from Solomon's only sister, her middle name comes from my best friend Angela and my oldest niece who passed away at birth Atelaite. Their names were combined to make Angelaite. She was not supposed to have a middle name, because I don't have one, so I thought she should be like me. Well one night when I was about 8 months pregnant, I had a dream. And in that dream a birth certificate was floating in the air, but the room was dark and all I could see was the birth certificate. It eventually froze in place and all I could read was Serena Angelaite Lealao. The middle name was in bold. This dream reoccurred a couple of times through the night. I got up and grabbed a piece of paper and wrote the name down. I didn't understand at the time what I was writing, til I read it to myself and realized that it was a mix of my best friend and my niece. So there you have it, the story of Serena's name. I love all the woman that she is named after. They are strong, independent and they are all the oldest children of their families. Just like my Serena. I don't know my niece, but I feel that if she were here today, that is exactly what she'd be like. Hey, maybe her and Serena were best cousins in Heaven. Imagine that reunion!

Okay enough memories and tears. I want to name 11 wonderful traits about my daughter on her 11th wonderful birthday:

1. She's absolutely gorgeous.
2. She is my mini me. (can get annoying at
3. She is a total nerd, from her schooling to her dancing! (it's totally hilarious)
4. She was sent here to humble me.
5. She is a mini mom to her siblings as well as her cousins. (ask
6. She is very responsible.
7. She is such a girly girl, but isn't afraid to play sports. (she may not be the best, but she tries)
8. She is learning to become independent. (this scares me, because she's leaving my side)
9. She is very modest. (I'll take credit for that one..haha)
10. She is a very good student at school and at church.
11. She loves me unconditionally!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SERENA!! Mommy loves you.

Do you have any memorable dreams?
What do you love about Serena?
Where did your childrens names come from?


  1. wow, i never knew that about her name... it was definately meant to be. Happy Birthday Serena! I love you!!! my button on your page! lol thanks

  2. awww Serena is so beautiful and such a DORK! I love her guts! She is a very mature 11 yr old. And is the best cross guard ever! hahahaha My childrens names came from ME! Ariana is a pretty spanish name, Jay is from JayZ lmbo jk hahah Jay came from Baby J cause Jays name was suppose to be P.J. then Selini was named after the mahangas Seni & Lene :)

  3. Happy birthday Serena! It's cool that you love school and reading!! Thats rare!!:) I love you and all that you do to help my boys!! My boys names come from there uncles (there dads only brothers and my brother as well!!!) Happy birthday again!! love you serena!!

  4. Serena is our special little pwincess! I remember your horror birth story w/ her.LOL I love how she's always been able to tell who's speaking on the phone when I call your house number. Even when I'm trying to disguise my voice and I swear she was only 4 yrs old and already knew if it was me, G, Hall or Anna. She's beautiful inside and out and she's truly a wonderful blessing in yours and all of our lives!!

  5. Aww, Cia forgive me for side busting!! lol.. I love this story, its so sweet! I hope you write these things in a journal, that was the best advice I got on my mission, and then the Lord will bless you with more. What a sweet dream. She's as old as my lil one.. they grow toooo fast!! Happy Happy Birthday!!
