Thursday, May 13, 2010

Part II

Like I said in my previous post, I'm going to write about the answer that came to me through my prayers. So as I was praying, really praying, I could see clearly what the Lord was wanting me to see. I was asking Him what it was that I could do better as a mother and what it was that has brought about this change in Serena. Then in my mind, I could see her walking into our home and feeling automatic tension. Sol and I have been going through some difficult times and I could see while I was praying that this is affecting Serena in a negative way. Obviously. The answer I got was that I needed to make my home a place of PEACE and REVERENCE! The truth hit me so hard that I began hysterically crying. I immediately asked for forgiveness for creating such an environment for my children. Another image came to me and that was of myself sitting on my laptop when the kids came home from school and Serena was sitting across from me trying to talk to me. It was the exact scene that if I had just paid more attention and given her more of my time, this whole thing could have been dealt with sooner. Again I asked for forgiveness. And then another scene of Serena came into my mind of her sleeping peacefully. What I got from this was that that was the only time in her day that she was able to experience PEACE. I immediately felt at peace. I felt that I was forgiven and that I needed to forgive her also. I know that her mistake was a cry for help and that I needed to answer with LOVE and give her PEACE! I ended my prayer with so much gratitude towards the Lord for helping me to see my life clearly and for communicating instantly with me. I have such a strong testimony of prayer and I'm grateful that the Lord trusts me to raise His heavenly children here on earth and also to be there for me when I myself make mistakes. This experience has taught me so much and from that day I have strived to become a better mother and daughter of God. I know that my trials don't end here, they are merely beginning, but I also know that the Lord will be there to help me every step of the way, if I just ask. I'm a whole new mommy now!!


  1. Aw Cia! Its amazing the power that prayer holds! Heavenly Father loves us soooo much! thank you for sharing!

  2. beautiful!! Who knows better how to raise his children than our Heavenly Father. I love it. He knows what's best and good for you for not just "knowing" his voice but listening. That takes alot of spiritual practice. Yay for you!

  3. Oh Cia that was a beautiful heartfelt post. I could literally feel your heart aching, and change for the better. I love you sis, and you're a beautiful wonderful mother! Your kids will always forgive you, because you mean the world to them. The Lord knows your heart and your desires, and he will bless you for your good works (dads saying) lol.
    love you!!
